Tec Gas Blender


In this course you will learn to blend enriched air and trimix gas mixtures within one percent of the target mix as measured by oxygen content, following accepted safety protocols and standards.

After the course, you'll be able to list the advantages and disadvantages of different blending methodologies as well as explain the potential hazards related to handling oxygen and other gases, and how to manage those hazards.

Besides that, you'll also be able to explain the steps for oxygen cleanng equipment such as cylinders, regulators, partial pressure blending systems, etc. and describe the requirements for oxygen service. Finally, you will learn the five methods of obtaining the desired enriched air nitrox mix and the various methods used to obtain proper helium mixes.


Enriched Air Nitrox user level certification, PADI or equivalent.


1 day, knowledge development & blending, no open water dives.


Tec Gas Blender Manual (not included in the course fee).